Midnight Munchies – Chocolate Truffles

2018 is soon to be history, and 2019 is waiting impatiently to make its entrance. But before we do the countdown for the next year, say our “I love you”s and make promises to ourselves that we may or may not keep, here are some chocolate truffles – easy to make, and perfect on the side of tonight’s champagne.

Happy New Year, People!

Ingredients (makes about 25 truffles)
200 g (7 oz) chocolate
1 dl (0,4 cup) heavy cream

Chopped pistachios, chopped and roasted almonds, coconut, dried raspberries…

How to do it

  • Melt the chocolate with the heavy cream.
  • Let the mix cool down in a refrigerator.
  • When the chocolate has cooled completely down and has a creamy texture, with a couple of spoons, make small “balls” out of the chocolate, and roll them in/ cover them with the topping you’d like. I’ve used chopped pistachios, chopped and roasted almonds, coconut and dried raspberries.
  • Store the truffles in a cold place until you serve them.

Best wishes for the new year!
